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Leadership communication

Communication is a big part of the leadership role and responsibility. Where there is good communication, there will be more productivity, and better results. There are three basic areas where you should focus your leadership communication toward in order to be a successful leader. Leaders should work on developing the talents of their team, and help each member reach their full potential. You can do that with the following three conversations:

Conversation number one- Leaders in any business should affirm worth and potential. Take time to sit down with each employee you manage, and have a conversation with them. In this conversation look for their talents, and be sure you voice the potential each team member has. Let them know that you are looking for their unique talents and want them to use those talents to contribute to the business. This is huge for leadership because it tells your employees that you are not trying to fit them into a cookie cutter shape for their position, and make them follow some set of directives, rather you are looking for ways to utilize their unique gifts and talents. It also helps them see that you value them.

Conversation two- Leaders clarify their expectations and set up a system of accountability. This is the second conversation you should be having. It should discuss the performance of the person. Together you come up with mutually beneficial expectations that allow the team member to use their talents to get the job done. It is important that each team member knows what you expect, and how you will hold them accountable. Get specific, and let them help you come up with a system that works for both of you.

Conversation three- Leaders should let their team know that they will act as a source of help, aiding those around them, and be a resource worth using, that is easy to access. In other words, you need to let your team know that they are responsible for their jobs, but that you are invested in their success, and thus, you want to help them to do their jobs better. They can come to you for help, and they can rely on you as a resource. You want them to succeed as much as they want to succeed, and as a result, you have an open door policy, where they can come to you if they get stuck, or need a hand.
Leadership communication helps pave the path for a better relationship between supervisor and employee. The productivity of your employees, and the culture in your office is going to depend on communication. A leader who is clear in expectations, and who focuses on the development of skills and talents within their team will have far happier employees, larger profit margins, and greater success in the long run and short run of their management.

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