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How to turn your customers into your sales force

What does it mean, turning your customers into your sales force? It means the greatest thing a businessperson can do for his or her business. It means saving thousands of dollars and making thousands of dollars at the same time. It means, in essence, having a bunch of highly effective employees working for free. And not just working for free, paying you for the privilege of working! Turning one's customers into one's sales force is every salesperson's dream. It's tricky to do, and takes time and patience to keep up with it, but the benefits are massive and will dramatically alter your life and the lives of your family for the better.
1. Common sense says that turning a customer into a salesperson means satisfying that customer so well that they tell a friend about it. We're really beginning at the beginning, here. We're starting out with the most basic idea of business: create a service, maintain it well, adapt to the needs of your customers, make changes where needed, stick with what works, and so forth. Let's assume that these ancient methods of success are already working in your favor. How can you give your customers a little push, so to speak, in the direction of becoming your sales force

2. Another simple idea. Reward your best customers with gifts that, you guessed it, advertise your company. Spend a little money on creating T-shirts, coats, mugs, and hats that you wouldn't be embarrassed to wear. That you'd be pleased to where. Send those things off. Reward your customers-everyone likes a new shirt. And if it happens that they become a walking billboard, so much the better for everyone. If you've improved their lives, you're sure to improve other lives as well. It's simple steps like these that make good companies into great ones.
3. Reward your customers for bringing in other customers. This is a hugely effective way to make your customers into your sales force. Let's say that with every new customer you make one hundred dollars. Well, why not offer twenty or thirty of those dollars to a current customer if they introduce a friend and that friend stays? This device has done wonders for telemarketing companies etc. internally-when an employee is rewarded richly for bringing in another employee. Your customer will feel like a member of the family. Your customer will want that extra money. Your customer will want to please a friend by introducing them to a good thing, and that friend will have other friends, and the cycle may just continue.
4. Be creative, be funny in your marketing campaigns. Create the sort of commercials and advertisements that leave people laughing and forwarding clips to their friends. Create a funny commercial, and you could have one customer forward it to everyone on his or her email list. Bang, that customer has become a salesperson, and a salesperson with real reach at that.
5. Let your customers know how much you appreciate their support. It doesn't cost them a lot, after all, to mention to their neighbor that your company provides superior service. People in general are happy to help other people out. Sometimes turning your customers into your sales force is simply a matter of asking them to do it. Let them know what it means to you, what it means to your employees, and what it means to them that your business continue to grow and to thrive and expand.
6. By combining these methods in a mannered, methodical way, you can raise up an army of salespersons who are both buying from you and convincing others that they should buy from you too.

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