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Ways to market your business

The basic premise of successful marketing is to find ways to attract and keep your customers attention. This can be difficult when your customers are the recipient of hundreds (if not thousands), of marketing messages everyday. This means that as a business owner you will need to be on the lookout for ways to market your business and keep the message fresh to your customers. You will need look beyond the obvious and find the ways that will make your business stick out to your customers. When you can do this you will be much more able to successfully market. Here are some ways to market your business-

- Make every piece of outgoing mail part of your marketing message-Whether you are sending out a physical piece of paper or an electronic message everything that goes out of your business should have your latest marketing message. You can attach a handwritten note to invoices or add a post script on an electronic message. However, you choose to do it just make sure that it is unique, concise, and quickly communicates your marketing message since you will only have a few seconds to attract your customers attention. You will need to train your employees never to pass up an opportunity to use outgoing mail to market. When this becomes part of the everyday routine it can be a highly effective way to market your business.
- Write articles that your customers will read-One of the basic premises of marketing is that you want to establish your business as the expert in your field. When you are able to do this your customers will look to you as the solution for their want or needs and view your business with creditability and trust. This can be done by writing articles that relate to your business expertise. You can either write them for publication in magazines or other forums that your customers will be reading or publish them on your business blog. This shows your customers that you know what you are talking about and helps to inspire their trust in you.
- Use public relations-This is another creative way to get marketing for your business and best of all, most of the time it's free. If you have something of significance that you want your customers to know about, then using public relations can be a great way to do just that. You can write a press release and get the right publication to let your customers know what is going on with your business. However, in order to make this work you will need to make sure that your press release offers something of real value to your customers or its not only a waste of time and effort but it could do serious damage to the reputation of your business.
- Be active in social media network marketing-Social media network marketing has become the new frontier of marketing. More and more businesses have begun to see the value of getting involved in these online forums. Not only can a business use social media networking to get their marketing message out but it is a great way to gain insight from your customers. Again, this is a low cost way to market your business. However, it is not enough to simply put a page up on a social media networking site and call it good. You need to make sure that you are actively involved in your social media network marketing. Not only do you need to make sure that your postings and content are up to date but getting involved in discussions and responding to your customers inquiries can be a highly effective marketing method.

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