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Effective management of a small business includes.

Effective management of a small business includes delegating responsibilities and tasks, when needed.. Delegation can some times be a major challenge for managers of a small business because they may be apprehensive about giving up control or lack confidence in their staff's abilities. Effective delegating offers a variety of benefits such as freeing up time to focus on other manager responsibilities, enhancing leadership skills, plus it helps expand the capabilities of employee's, which will benefit the overall company. Here are just a few suggestions to help delegate effectively:

- Decide what tasks need to be delegated. Delegate tasks that are the least critical to the performance of your job or delegate tasks that will provide staff members with valuable experience. But never delegate any task that would violate someone else's privacy.

- Choose the right person for the job. Assess the skills and capabilities of your staff and assign the task to the most appropriate person. To give the most appropriate person some added responsibility and increase their motivation make sure you delegate the entire task to them.
- Define the scope of the work and set expectations. Provide information on what, why, when, who, where and how, also clearly specify your desired results. This detailed job information should be written down to avoid any later misunderstandings.
- Set deadlines. Set reasonable deadlines, writing this down along with the detailed job information is recommended. Not setting a deadline commonly leads to procrastination and loss of motivation.
- Identify methods for follow-up. Work with staff members to set up a time to review their progress and performance. It is also helpful to occasionally call to see if they have any questions or issues.
- Train delegates, if necessary. Always make sure delegates know how to do the assignment. If a delegate doesn't have the proper training and skills, you need to provide the necessary training or choose a staff member that does have the skills and training needed.
- Delegate responsibility and authority, not methods. Let delegates complete the tasks in the manner they choose, as long as the results are what you have specified. Have trust in them and try to give them the freedom to work without you looking over their shoulders. Not trusting delegates to make everyday decisions is not delegating effectively and will only lessen delegates motivation.
- Evaluate performance. After the assignment is completed, evaluate the results. Evaluate the task based on the expectations and standards that were set in the beginning. Discuss with delegates how you feel and how they feel about how the project turned out and if any improvements could be made.
- Acknowledge accomplishments and provide recognition. Alwaysgive recognition and praise for a job well done. Recognizing the efforts of delegates lets them know you appreciate them and the work they do. They will take greater pride in their work and may be more willing to help with assignments in the future, just knowing their hard work is noticed and appreciated.

The best thing for a company as a whole is to keep the office running smoothly and efficiently. You and your staff should have enough time to do quality work and complete the work by or before the deadline. When your work load reaches a point where quality becomes a concern or you are just overloaded, it is time to delegate. It is best to delegatetasks before you begin to miss deadlines and also before the quality of your work suffers. Delegating tasks to make sure that everything is well handled shows a dedication to the company, and also shows strong, effective management skills.

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