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Business management and customer service

Many business managers feel that customer service is something that they leave to their employees. However, it has been clearly shown that the most successful businesses practice customer service from the top down. The best way to insure that your business will be successful for the long term is to keep your customers coming back to buy from you again and again. Keep in mind that there are many different studies that have shown that many consumers will return to buy again from a company because of the customer service they provide and not the price of the product or service. As a business manager one of your most important jobs is to not just train your employees how to give great customer service but show them how to do it, as well. Here are some ways to get you started with that task.

- Look closely at your customers-Many business managers fail to really see their customers beyond when they come into the store or onto the website and make a purchase. You can learn a lot from your customers simply by observing them. If you are wanting to train your employees about customer service then you will need to be able to educate them about your customers. Many business managers who have started this form of customer observation have been surprised to learn that their customers plan on leaving them but have then been able to react in such a way that they are able to retain the same customers who were planning on leaving. Keep in mind that the behavior your customers are showing today is an indicator for future behaviors. If you begin to see a problem with your customers you can personally check in with them to see if there is a problem with the service you are offering.
- Set up open communication with your customers-One of the best ways to provide a high degree of customer service is by opening the lines of communication. However, keep in mind that this is two way street. If your customers find it difficult to get in touch with you they will soon become frustrated and move onto another business that will make it easier to stay in touch. As part of your business management duties you need to make staying in touch with your customers a priority. This can be done in very simple ways from making a phone call to sending out a survey that allows them to report their satisfaction. However, you choose to communicate with your customers the key is to find out what they like and don't like about your business and its products and services. Once your employees see that as a manager you are making an effort to provide great customer service they will too.
- Build a relationship with your customers-Good customer service is built on establishing a relationship with your customers. You need to make sure that your target market knows that you care about them and want to take care of their needsor wants. Your customers will feel that they are valuable to you when they feel that you value them for much more then their wallets. This will be the impetus for them to return and buy from you again. You should not assume that if you greet them and thank them for their purchase this will be enough.You want to make sure that through the type of customer service you provide that you can save them not only money but also time. Their satisfaction should be the foundation of everything that you do.

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