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How to evaluate the wellness in your business

Studies have shown that a majority of employee in the workplace, today, are simply not healthy. This overall lack of health, in the workplace, affects productivity and profitability. This means that employers need to take a close look at the level of health that is among their employees. Evaluating the health and wellness of your employees can help you to see who you can help them make improvements, that will not only improve their health, but your business, as well. If you are concerned about the health of your employees there are numerous ways that you can both evaluate and help to improve the health of your employees. Here is what you need to know about how to evaluate the wellness in your business-

- Meet with your employees-Sitting down with your employees can give you insight into the state of their health, and ways that you can possibly improve it. Your employees can also let you know exactly what they need, whether it is better healthcare options, fitness equipment, or other wellness ideas. Having an open line of communication also shows your employees that you take their health needs seriously.
- Implement an employee wellness program-More and more businesses are seeing that cost benefits of implementing an employee wellness program. Your business can put an employee wellness program that will best meet the needs of your employees whether that is: smoking cessation, weight loss, or fitness. In addition, your employee wellness program can focus on stress management and ergonomics. As part of your employee wellness program, you can also bring in life coaches, to offer your employees some "one on one" guidance. These life coaches can also help identify the top priorities, as far as health risk among the employees.
- Take a close look at the stress-Many jobs are inherently stressful, however some of the stress can be reduced. Employers, who are concerned about the level of wellness in their business, should look closely at how much stress their employees are constantly under. If your employees are always rushing to finish a project, or are under a constant time constraint, employers may want to reevaluate the processes that are being used. Constant stress can take a toll on the health of your employees that can lead to serious physical problems. While there may be aspects of any job that are stressful and cannot really be changed, instituting methods that help your employees to deal with the stress, can be beneficial to them and to the overall productivity of the business. Keep in mind that many times a simple schedule change or a more balanced workload can go a long way toward reducing stress.
- Bring in the experts-Many times getting a clear evaluation of the health of your employees is bigger and more complicated then simply making a cursory inspection. Many businesses have chosen to bring in experts to help them. You can start by having medical experts do free screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar and even heart rate testing. These tests can help you see where the potential problems may be, before they grow larger. In addition, if your employees are struggling with weight and fitness issues, there are experts that can help there as well. Bringing in a registered dietician to help evaluate diets and offer cooking classes, can help your employees who are struggling with nutritional issues. Personal trainers can offer fitness tips and even lead classes. Keep in mind that all you need is an empty conference room, for some aerobic or even yoga classes. A fully equipped gym is not necessary to help your employees get some physical activity.

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