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Tips that will improve office ergonomics

Take a walk around the office and notice the way in which your employees are sitting at their desks. Does it seem like people are slouching or squinting to see their computer screens? Having proper office ergonomics is a great way to prevent short-term and long-term health concerns. It is important that you take time to improve your employee's office ergonomics as it will lead to an increase in production and morale. Employees that aren't always dealing with aches and pains all the time will feel better about working and they are less likely to complain of back pain, neck pain, wrist pain, and other pains that come from improper office ergonomics. How can you work on proper office ergonomics? Here are some tips that will help.

Tip # 1 - Wrist exercises
A lot of employees type for 40 hours or more a week. If you are in a job that requires you to use your hands a lot you need to consider looking into wrist exercises to help keep the wrists loose and to prevent them from developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Wear wrist splints that are designed to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome so they don't become achy and start to go numb while you work. Ask your employer for a wrist pad to rest them on when you are tying. This also reduces the strain on the wrists and prevents you from overusing them. As an employer you need to look for other things that will help to reduce the amount of use your employees need to have with their hands. Consider electric staplers along with other things so they aren't always relying on their hands and wrists.

Tip # 2 - Sit up straight
While it might feel good to slouch, it will destroy your posture. You need to sit up straight because it keeps the body in proper alignment and helps to reduce the pain you deal with when it comes to serious problems. Lower back pain is almost always caused from not sitting up straight. Employers should consider getting chairs that properly support the lower back and help you to sit up straight. By sitting up straight you will be able to reduce lower back pain along with unnecessary strain on the shoulders and neck. You will feel benefits all over the body just by sitting up straight. Lumbar cushions are another option to consider if you are experiencing a lot of lower back pain.

Tip # 3 - Correct your computer screen
Your computer screen can cause eye strain along with neck and shoulder pain. If you are always hunching over to see the screen and you find that you have to move your head up and down a lot to read the screen, you need to readjust it. Your eyes should be in perfect alignment with the middle of the screen. This way you only have to look up or down with your eyes, not your entire head. Adjust the brightness on the screen as well as this too will prevent eyestrain. If you feel like your eyes are being strained from the screen you may need to consider purchasing some computer vision glasses. These glasses are designed to help with eyestrain by reducing the brightness and taking off the glare from the screen. They also have a very small prescription to make the letters slightly bigger so they are easier for your eyes to read.

Get up and stretch! You don't want to sit for prolonged periods of time as it will cause you to deal with pain in the knees and other areas. Stretch your muscles and keep the joints moving so you can prevent pain from happening in your body.

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