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Why having healthy employees can make your business successful

Business owners are confronted by a myriad of challenges everyday. Many business owners report that they often time feel overwhelmed by the number of demands they must meet on a daily basis. This is especially true as it applies to the human resource area of your business. Business owners must be informed about payroll, overtime, insurance, the safety of their employees and every other aspect that affects their staff. However, many employer fail to recognize the impact that not having healthy employees has on their business. The success of your business can be directly related to the health of your employees. However, with this new understanding many employers are realizing that taking the health of their employees into consideration can have a positive effect on their bottom line. Employers are realizing that healthy employees are an investment worth making.Here are the reasons why having healthy employees will help to make your business successful-

- A healthy business has healthy employees-Successful business owners get that their workforce is an asset with the highest value. Because of this they are driven to protect that asset, in order to help further their business' success. Many employers fail to realize that the success of their company actually rests on the shoulders of the people who are moving it forward-their employees! If you want to help further the success of your business, you will make the health of your employees' one of your top priorities. The basic reason for this is that healthy employees are employees who are more productive. Healthy workers are found to have more skill, patience, energy and concentration, for whatever task they are involved in doing. It has also been shown that they work faster and make fewer mistakes. This means that an employer will spend less money, and time, redoing work. A healthy employee is also less draining on the resources of the company. A healthy employee won't need as much sick time, health insurance or even time off. This means that a healthy employee will be at work, helping you make your business a success. In addition, there are several other intangible benefits to having healthy employees. Studies have shown that those businesses with the healthiest employees report the highest levels of employee morale and job satisfaction. This in turn leads to feelings of long term loyalty, by the employee. When employees are committed to their jobs, this in turn reduces the amount of money, employers have to pay to recruit, hire and train new employees.
- A sick employee cost money-Employers who constantly have to deal with sick employees will find that it is costing them a lot of money. The reality is that there is a direct connection between how sick a particular employee is and how much money they will cost the company, they are working for. This cost is not only reflected in the amount of sick leave they take, but also the lowered production and replacement costs, for when they are sick. In addition, many sick employees choose to come to work, which increases the risk of infecting other employees, and causing widespread illness. This only make the cost of a sick employee grow exponentially. If a business has a large number of sick employees this can mean lower productivity, more down time and worse yet, higher health costs. It almost goes without saying that an employee that is constantly sick will be using their health coverage, far more often then their healthier co-workers. This only means an increased cost in health coverage, for the business. In addition, studies have shown that sick employees tend to have lower morale and job satisfaction, since they are spending a great deal of time, coping with illness.

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