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Organizing A Company Party

This article will explore some of the etiquette guidelines for organizing a company party. Companies have many parties throughout the calendar year. Adhering to a few guidelines will make your company party fun, memorable, and a good experience for your team. The best guideline, however, is to make sure that your party follows the company brand.

1. Avoid alcohol at company parties. If you can organize a company party somewhere where there is no alcohol served, you will be able to make a safer environment for your employees. The crazy company parties that you hear stories about are problematic. They can create animosity among an office staff if something embarrassing happens. Alcohol does not support the company's brand. If you decide to have an office party and alcohol is available, make sure that your employees know that they are to still behave professionally. It might also be helpful to make sure that each employee has a drink limit. If there is alcohol, make sure that employees call a cab when they go home.
2. Have door prizes that feature company items. For example, if your company sells a particular product, one of the prizes could be something that the company carries. You can also have company merchandize, such as shirts and hats. These items may seem cheesy, but employees really appreciate gifts that are high-end and reflect the efforts that are put in at work. Good door prizes will give the employees an incentive to live their company's brand.
3. Recognize outstanding performance for the year or period at the company party. Have a company memento or a certificate available for their efforts. Good performers like being recognized for their efforts. This is a no brainer, but sometimes companies do not recognize performers who deserve to be recognized.
4. Make the party themed so that it is an extension of work. If you want to make your employees to build camaraderie, have them discuss work-related issues. The company party should be a time for team members to reflect and build upon their time with the company.
5. If it is an outdoor party, make sure you have insurance coverage for the event. If it is a golf tournament, there is a slight chance that a person could get hurt. Make sure that you are prepared to cover such accidents if you have an outdoor event, especially when alcohol is served.
6. Make sure that your company knows the rules for a party at an external facility. Your company's reputation is on the line if you rent a place and your employees break the rules. Make sure that your employees know how to behave at such an event. This is important for making sure that your company's brand is protected.
7. Make sure that your company's activities are respectful and thoughtful towards minorities in your company. This should go without saying, but sometimes it is easy to forget the individual needs of team members within your company.

These rules are not all inclusive. Have good judgment when it comes to what you do for your company picnic. If you are going to have alcohol, make sure that there are some guidelines in place. Your company has a brand that it must maintain and your employees should know that the company party is still "work" in a sense. Make sure that you, the boss, set the example of what is expected. Having the team plan the party is also a good idea. This will help them realize that the company is not getting stuck with all the aspects of organizing the party. Everyone should play a part so that everyone has a chance to come together and celebrate being employed in the same workplace.

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