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Helping family with depression

friends19138819.jpgQuestion: My daughter is struggling with depression. We have tried to get her help. She is on medication and we just found a talk therapist for her. However, it does not seem to be enough, I feel like there is more we could be doing. I just do not know what to do for her, or how I could be more supportive to help her to recovery.

Answer: As you probably well know, when someone is depressed, it goes beyond affecting just them, and affects everyone around them, family, friends, loved ones, even classmates, neighbors, etc. The effects of the condition will influence their relationships, and can cause stresses and hardship in other's life. That is why it is paramount that you do just as you are doing and get them help, and be supportive.

However, with that said, it is critical that you understand that while it is frustrating to watch someone you love deal with depression, and can leave you feeling helpless to change anything, it is their responsibility to get the help, and want change. If they are not committed, it won't matter what you do.

However, beyond encouraging them to get help, some of the things you can do include the following:

Learn about depression: When people are depressed, they often feel like they are totally alone, and that no one else knows what they are going through. If you want to help learn everything you can about depression, causes, symptoms, and treatments. This will help you better identify what they are going through and how you could be helping.

Make it easy for them to get their medical care. When someone has depression they do not think it will matter what they do or take, they won't get better. They are hopeless, so make it easy for them so that they keep it up. For example, lay their medication out with their breakfast, or drive them to therapy, or go with them to support them. Make sure their prescription is always filled, and encourage your friend or loved one to stick with it.

Be patient. It is hard, it is frustrating, and you want to yell at them and tell them to snap out of it, but it does not work that way, so instead, listen, and be there, no matter how irritating it can be.

Get them to stay involved. One of the biggest problems people suffering from depression face, is that nothing sounds enjoyable anymore, so they isolate themselves, and stop doing thigns. So, help them stay involved, help them continue to do the things they once enjoyed, regardless if they enjoy it now or not, such as movies, friend gatherings, walks, bike rides, etc.

Lastly, do not try to help them alone. It can be a very difficult thing to deal with, as the one suffering, and as a loved one of that person. So, do your best to help them, and encourage others to help as well.

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