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What are the causes of depression?

worrieddr19302914.jpgIt seems like all you hear about in the news is depression.This problem seems to be everywhere!Why are so many people depressed, and what are the causes?

There is a wide variety of causes of depression.It is also important to remember, that depression affects everyone differently.Typically no two people will suffer exactly the same symptoms, or have their depression result, from the exact same cause. This makes the diagnosis and treatment of depression, sometimes very difficult. However researchers have pinpointed some common reason for depression.Here are some of them-

  • Sudden loss or trauma-This is most often the cause of short-term (exogenous) depression. This is depression that results after a loss or serious trauma (accident, crime, even a natural disaster). While many people do need help, to resolve this type of depression, usually treatment is successful, and most people are able to return to their pre-depression life.

  • Emotional, physical or sexual abuse; yelling or threats of abuse; neglect (even two parents working); criticism; inappropriate or unclear expectations; maternal separation; conflict in the family; divorce; family addiction; violence in the family, neighborhood or TV; racism and poverty. This type of trauma usually results in chronic or life-long (endogenous) depression. This will begin by trauma that happened in childhood, and is not resolved, resulting in many cases of adult depression. This type of depression usually requires treatment as a chronic illness throughout the person's entire life.

  • Genetic predisposition-While most researchers agree that there may be a genetic basis to some depression, it is generally agreed that even if there is that genetic propensity, it must be triggered by some traumatic or stressful event. The treatment rate is about the same as those suffering from chronic or life-long depression. It should be noted that it is important to treat this type of depression, since statistics show that depression coupled with genetics can shorten a person's lifespan.

  • Structural problems in the brain-If there are structural problems in the brain, it can bring on depression. This is usually the result of trauma that prevents certain parts of the brain (hippocampus and frontal lobe, where decisions are made) from developing properly. You should keep in mind that the problem is structural more than chemical, although the latter is affected. It is also crucial that people suffering from this type of depression, are under the care of the health care provider.

  • Chemical imbalance-Researchers have proven that certain neuro-chemicals are also involved, in depressions. This includes post-partum depression that is suffered from many women, shortly after giving birth.Some of the chemicals involved, are a surplus of noradrenalin, (perhaps as a result of the structural problem). Recent studies also indicate that serotonin, which is targeted by most antidepressants (SSRIs), is not as much a factor in depression as the long-term presence of stress hormone cortisol. This chemical imbalance must be determined by blood tests that are given by a health care professional.Those who are suffering from chemical imbalance depression will need consistent medical care, and treatment. This problem generally does not resolve itself. The one exception to this is Post-partum depression that can be successfully treated, in the short-term.

  • Physiological problems-There are certain physiological problems, plus learned beliefs and behaviors, that can make functional decisions difficult, and the results then reinforce the depression in a vicious cycle. It becomes imperative for the sufferer of this type of depression, to have all the underlying causes determined and treated, by their health care professional. If only the depression is treated, without the underlying cause, the person is much more likely to suffer other episodes of depression.

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