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How to determine if you are reaching your fitness goals

bball30424818.jpgIf you are trying to lose weight, or achieve a particular fitness goal, you may have become obsessed with what the scale says. However, it is crucial to understand that the number on the scale only represents a small portion, of what your overall fitness is.Exercise researchers are now encouraging people to not take their weight quite so seriously, and to focus on other factors as a determinant of how they doing overall.

One of the biggest shifts for this thinking is the reality that muscle weighs more than fat by volume.This means that if you took a handful of fat, and a handful of muscle, the muscle would weigh a lot more, because of its density. So the bottom line is that if you lose a significant amount of fat, and gain a little muscle, you may actually end up weighing the same as when you started.

That leaves the question of how will you know when you are making progress? The simplest way to determine this is to look in your mirror.Take a good look at yourself and ask the following questions:

  • Do you look better?

  • Do you feel better?

  • Do your clothes fit better or even seem loose?

These simple questions will give you a much better picture of your overall fitness, then just a number on the scale.

You should also not forget the importance of measuring.A simple tape measure can help you determine if you are on the right track toward your weight loss, or fitness goals.Periodically measure: bust/chest, waist, hips and arms to help you determine if you are on the right track.Experts advise writing the measurements down in a journal, to help you see over time the progress you are making. Remember that while adding muscle can make you seem like you are bulking up, that muscle is helping you burn the fat you want to lose.

If you need a more scientific approach there are other methods you can use.Overall fitness is determined by how much fat and muscles you have on your body.As you progress then you can get that checked. Many gyms can do a skin fold test on you, or you can go to your local college or doctor's office and get hydrostatic weighing done. You can get bathroom scales that have body fat sensors on them. Knowing your body fat percentage is a lot more accurate at showing you, your progress than your old bathroom scale.

If you do feel that you must continue to weigh yourself, then for the most accurate weight loss reporting then it is best to follow these guidelines:
- Weight yourself first thing in the morning. As the day progresses we all tend to gain fluid weight.

  • Weigh yourself naked. (Because who wants to add anything you don't have to.)

  • Use the bathroom before you weigh.

  • For a more accurate comparison weigh yourself at the same time each morning.

Following these guidelines means that you will not be weighing your clothes, or any food or water in your system.

Finally, another measurement of your fitness is to examine your diet.Studies have shown that people who are serious about their weight loss, or fitness goals will continue to make subtle changes as they progress.It becomes impossible to reach fitness goals on a steady stream of junk food that is high in fat and sugar. If you find that you are switching out soda for water, chips for fruit, and skipping dessert, then take the time to congratulate yourself for the progress you are making towards a healthier you!

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