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Building a blog that works

womanpondering16341449.jpgA blog is one of the most important social media tools you have on your side. You have complete control over the blog so you can decide how it is designed, how it is organized, and what information is posted on it. Having this type of control over a popular social realm is very powerful and important for your company. How can you build a blog that works? This article will help you to create a great blog that engages your customers and helps you to strengthen relationships with them.

Create Goals
One of the first things you need to do when you build a blog is to create goals for your blog. What do you want the blog to be about? How is it going to promote your company and what do you want your readers to take away from the blog? Most companies that use blogs use them as places to respond to information in their industry and to also provide engaging articles and other things that help to educate their customers and build their companies reputation. Do you want the blog to make money for your company or is it simply a realm where your customers can go to learn more information? Narrow down your goals to a few specific things and it will be able to help you create a better blog.

After setting goals you then need to create objectives for your blog. Like the goals, objectives work very similar only they help you to have things that you can actually achieve. What are your measurement tools you are going to use in order to find out if the blog is working? Objectives need to be measurable in order to make the goals become a reality. What is meant by objectives that you can obtain? It typically starts with some things like writing a specific number of blog posts per month, increasing your blog subscribers, and also engaging in online discussions and other things. Just remember that while you want to shoot high, you have to think realistically and choose goals that you can achieve.

Take a look at a few blogs when you are creating yours. Look for blogs that stand out to you and consider why they stand out. Is it the way they are organized? Flashy backgrounds and too many pay-per-click ads can become very distracting and it won't help you influence customers to read the blog. How about the categories you have that help your customers to see what information they can find on your blog? Seeking out help from other blogs will really help you to find a way to organize your blog and to satisfy your customers.

The content you post on your blog will have a lot to do with the success of your blog. What is your industry and what information are customers seeking? Use Google alerts to help you track the information people are talking about in your industry so you can start posting blogs that pertain to the information they want and are actively seeking. Use keywords that optimize your website and will be able to help customers find your blog posts easily. Content is the key to an effective blog and it's the best way to help you strengthen your companies reputation and to boost your website's pagerank status.

Blogs are continuing to grow in popularity and they will continue to grow as more and more people are using blogs to find information that they cannot acquire on their websites and other places. By starting a blog you can build your credibility and give your marketing team a new avenue to post great information.

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